
Pasture-Raised Eggs
at Dewy Meadows Farm

The current group of chickens are retired, so no eggs currently. Check back in the spring to see if they have returned to work!

Pasture raised hens - home at dewy meadows…

That’s right! Pasture-raised hens are now producing amazingly healthy eggs on the green pastures of Dewy Meadows Farm. These eggs are such good quality, you will notice the difference immediately. These delightful hens will be following the beef herd around the farm all through the grazing season.

Currently 180 hens are producing at Dewy Meadows. Our hens are Brown Egg Layers from Moyer’s Chicks hatchery in Myerstown, PA. These hearty birds are well suited to forage the pasture while producing excellent eggs. Eggs are for sale at the farm and at several local retail outlets.

Thank you to Sweeney’s Market in Apalachin, NY and Jones Store in Warren Center, PA for supporting locally grown food. Our communities are stronger for it.